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Visit Rabat Maroc

Walks & Excursions

Nouzhat Hassan Park

Between medina and the new city, le triangle du vue park has been welcoming for generations (established in 1924) the inhabitants of Rabat in need of freshness. Having been cleared of the bus depot that adjoined it along Hassan II Avenue, and facing the Andalusian wall and the “Bab Shellah” tram station, le triangle du vue park (Nouzhat Hassan) is now the big public park that Rabat deserves. Recently, the flower market of place Pietri was moved in front of its main entrance; hence, the inhabitants of Rabat have rediscovered this splendid park, which had a deplorable reputation because of its inadequate maintenance. After the renovations of Jardin d’essais, toilets have been built in Nouzhat Hassan Park, which is its new name.

Avenue Al Mansour Adahabi - Rabat

Mon 08h00-18h00







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