The interactive map below will allow you to discover the main attractions of the Region ...
Découvrez les principaux monuments, musées, parcs et attractions sur notre carte de la région de Rabat-Salé-Kénitra. Cliquez sur chaque icône pour voir en détails le point d’intérêt.
To help you find your way once you get to your destination, the map you print out will have numbers on the various icons that correspond to a list with the most interesting tourist attractions. This way, you’ll be able to see where each attraction is.
La carte est très simple d’utilisation :
Consultez les informations sur la destination :
All you need to guide you in your discovery of the capital. Welcome to the Rabat region.
Find here all the necessary information for a successful stay:
Transports, instructions, climate, plans ...
Discover the interactive map of the region: prepare your trip, visit online the touristic places of the region ...
See the map